A tool that allows Rigidbody components in Unity to be simulated in the editor using a simple menu. Also allows for physics sequences to be recorded as generic animation clips in the editor.Supports both 2D and 3D Rigidbody types.A simple, yet powerful and useful tool that allows a developer to use a simple editor window to place objects in the editor by simulating physics in the scene globally while in editor mode, or simulating selected Rigidbodies. The asset also provides useful functionality for easily recording generic animation clips of editor-simulated physics to allow for quick low-effort physics animations to be developed.The editor physics simulator window also provides useful UnityEvents that allow the developer to invoke events during editor physics simulations to do things such as apply force to a Rigidbody being simulated. (See examples for more details).Features:Simulate physics for Rigidbody & Rigidbody2D components globally in the editor.Simulate physics for selected Rigidbody or Rigidbody2D components in the editor.Record generic animation clips for Selection.activeGameObject's Rigidbodies (and its child Rigidbodies) in the editor.UnityEvents for simulation start, step, and stop to allow the developer to do things like add force to editor physics simulations. (Useful for animating transitions like AI falling or rolling.)Undo support - all features fully integrated with Unity Editor's undo system.No runtime overhead.Simple, easy-to-use, Editor Physics Simulation window.Tools->EditorPhyiscsSimulation->Quick Simulate & Quick SimulateSelected buttons to simulate editor physics without changing editor window focus.Save on CPU usage and maintain perfect repeatability in your scenes by recording physics simulations once and playing them back.Email any questions, bug reports, help requests, or other inquiries to intuitivegamingsolutions@gmail.com.Other Links:DiscordTested on Unity 2020.3.30f1 but will work across wide array of versions, report any issues to intuitivegamingsolutions@gmail.com.