Search Lib is a search library for fuzzy searching arbitrary text dictionaries. It supports both editor and runtime integrations, along with multi platform support.Search Lib provides an easy to use and easy to extend API for fuzzy search. It's designed for fuzzy searching a query string against a dictionary of potential matches. Useful for editor tools, or in-game searches. It features a variety of pre-implemented search methods, and a high level of customizability.For those looking for something to simply work, getting started takes very few lines of code and has a very low learning overhead. If you're looking for something more, or simply a library to build your own search off of, there's lots of documentation and details for advanced use.Supports all platforms for synchronous queries. Multithreading requires async-await support which is most major platforms.DependenciesExamples require TextMeshPro. Unity will automatically prompt you when you open the scene.Query a list of strings for a list of resultsEditor and Runtime supportBoth synchronous and multithreaded supportMulti platform supportQuick and easy to get startedFlexible and extensible for more refined useMany out-of-the-box implementations to fit your use case