A customizable, single material solution for building / placement previews during gameplay, no separate prefabs needed!The included URP shader example "ex_URP_CUSTOM" requires Shader Graph.easyPreview is a single material solution for previewing the placement of GameObjects during gameplay, using existing prefabs, it's an ideal to provide the player with feedback when trying to build structures / place items!Features-;4 Preset Colors + Infinite* Color support via codeRelease delay, ideal for synchronizing item placement with particle effectsMulti item, perfect for previewing the build of a multi prefab objectMulti mesh, prefab constructed from multiple meshes? that's fine!Prefab modification, perfect for items that mutate during gameplayDisable / Enable Obejcts and Behaviours while previewingHow it functions-;Upon calling to start a preview, easyPreview creates a cache of the active Renderers, Colliders, and Rigidbodies of the previewed object, It then disables any enabled colliders (to prevent them blocking raycasts during preview), and swaps out all materials with the preview material. On release of a preview, the above happens but in reverse.What it doesn't do-;This asset doesn't handle the positioning of your prefab or determining whether it is elegible to be placed or not, there are near infinite rules you could implement to decide on if an object is placeable or not, so that is left up to you, we just handle the preview visuals.Want to know more? documentation available here.*Limited to the amount of colors supported by the chosen colorspace, 16,777,216 for RGB.Only the assets as described in the documentation are included, some UI / Prefabs shown in screenshots / videos are for marketing purposes only.Supports Custom Materials / ShadersCall from anywhere, no setup necessarySingle MaterialMulti Object SupportBuilt-In / URP / HDRP Compatible