Low-poly model of the character woman collectionLow-poly models of the characters woman collection Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.There are 5 characters in this collection.1.Woman Hunter2. Woman Assassin3. Woman mage4. Woman warrior5. Woman Knightyou can buy it one at a time.1. Woman HunterLow-poly model of the character Woman Hunter Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.has 3 skins.additional bones :Breast l/rhair_01-03_l/rhair_back_mid_01-04Dagger_01_l/rbag_01 (Hunter_bag_01-04)belt_for_bow_01-02belt_for_quiver_01-02cloak_01_l -cloak_11_lcloak_01_mid-cloak_11_midcloak_01_r-cloak_11_rPBR textures TARGA Body(3x) (4096x4096) armor(3x) (4096x4096) assets(3x) (4096x4096) eye and teeth(3x) (2048x2048) eyelashes (900x900) hair(3x) (4096x4096) daggers (4096x4096) bow (4096x4096)3 types of texture pack, night elf, forest elf, human womanBase colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOEmissionspeculardirection (for hair)and censored kit for body(base color + alpha)low_poly character polygon 70585 Vertex 94425 tris 140758(+ Elven base mesh polygon 70997 Vertex 94819 tris 141572)bag polygon 1308 Vertex 1286 tris 2552bow polygon 8460 vertex 8445 tris 16882arrow polygon 336 vertex 463 tris 659quiver polygon 229 vertex 239 tris 458dagger_1 polygon 722 vertex 1704 tris 1442dagger_2 polygon 372 vertex 386 tris 742The kit includes a character (RIGING) along with weapons, as well as a variant without weapons.rendered on marmoset 42. Woman AssassinLow-poly model of the character Woman Assassin Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.has 2 skins black and redPBR textures TARGA Body_head (4096x4096) armor (4096x4096) eye and teeth (2048x2048) eyelashes (900x900) hair (4096x4096) saber (4096x4096)Base colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOEmissionspeculardirection (for hair)low_poly base_mesh polygon 59396 Vertex 74979 tris 118504saber polygon 2070 Vertex 4700 tris 4099saber case polygon 6490 vertex 7004 tris 12840The kit includes the (RIGING) character along with weapons, as well as a variant without weapons.Andweapons with a jewel-quality case in a separate file!rendering and editing video made in Marmoset_4 and Adobe premier proAdditional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton:front_skirt_01-03medalion_01-03skirt_front_01-03_l/rskirt_side_01-03_l/rskirt_back_01-03_l/rskirt_back_mid_01-03belt_01-03_l/rBreast l/rhair_01-04_l/rhair_back_01-04_l/rhair_mid_01-04_l/r3. Woman mageLow-poly model of the character Woman mage Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.has 5 colour skinsAdditional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton:skirt _01-11_l/rskirt_back_mid_01-11book_belt_01-06Breast l/rhair_01-04_l/rhair_back_01-04_l/rhair_mid_01-04_l/rearring_01-02_l/rPBR textures TARGA Body_head (4096x4096) armor (4096x4096) eye and teeth (2048x2048) eyelashes (900x900) hair (4096x4096) staff (4096x4096)Base colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOEmissionspeculardirection (for hair)low_poly base_mesh polygon 60772 Vertex 77788 tris 121117assets (magic_book, earrings, rings) polygon 22211 vertex 24137 tris 23071staff polygon 2130 Vertex 6158 tris 4162the archive has a staff, magic assets and a character - woman magerendering and editing video made in Marmoset_4 and Adobe premier pro4. Woman WarriorLow-poly model of the character Woman warrior Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.Rigged with Epic Skeleton. Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: breast_l/r, skirt_back_l/r_01-06, skirt_r/l_01-06,skirt_back_mid_01-06The weapon is included:- sword polygon 948 Vertex 924PBR textures TARGA Body_head (4096x4096) robe (4096x4096) eye and teeth (2048x2048) eyelashes (900x900) hair (4096x4096) sword (4096x4096)· Base color· Rougness· Normal· Alpha· Metalic· AO· emissiveFeatures:· separated mesh· skirt rigged.added additional bones· blendshapes· Epic Skeleton with additional bones· 3rd person character animations are included· Modular clothesAdditional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: breast_l/r, skirt_back_l/r_01-06, skirt_r/l_01-06,skirt_back_mid_01-065. Woman KnightLow-poly model of the character Woman knight Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.The weapon is included:- sword polygon 8946 Vertex 39128PBR textures TARGA Body_head (4096x4096) armor (4096x4096) armor2 (4096x4096) eye and teeth (2048x2048) eyelashes (900x900) fur (1800x1800) hair (4096x4096) sword (4096x4096)Base colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOlow_poly base_mesh polygon 72886 Vertex 177350sword polygon 8946 Vertex 39128Features:Blendshapes / Morph Targets / Facial ExpressionsEpic Skeleton with additional bones:Hair_front_01_l/r, Hair_front_02_l/r, Hair_front_03_l/r, Hair_back_mid_01/02/03hair riggedseparated meshNumber of textures 330 Texture dimensions 900x900, 1800x1800, 2048x2048, 4096x4096Polygon count of Woman hunter 94425, Woman Assassin 74979, Woman mage 77788, Woman warrior 66055Number of meshes/prefabsRigging: YesAnimation count noAnimation type list 0UV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)