Word Guess is a template for the person who wants to create or learn how to make a game like Wordle. It includes all the logic and a basic UI which is easy to build upon with UnityEvents.Word Guess is a template for the brave person who wants to create a little game like Wordle. The UI i heavely inspired by Wordle and therefore is very basic and easy to build upon.Features:UnityEvent when word is guessed correctly.UnityEvent when there's no guesses left.Custom amount of guesses.Custom word length.Custom Colors.Includes a library of 19.000+ words (2-5 letters).Virtual Keyboard.Real keyboard support.Word validation checks if:word is the right length.word is a real word.Game loop.Coloring words:If character is in the right place - green.If character is in word - yellow (Only the amount of times the letter occurs).Responsive UI (Works in vertical and horizontal).Coming soon:Updating on screen keyboard colors.Libraries with other word lengths.Game creator (Generate board).Animations.If you experience any bugs (there aren't any in Bugge's of course) but if you do reach out to me on Discord so I can have it fixed asap.Supported platforms:WindowsmacOSAndroidiOSWebGL