Provides integration for COZY: Weather and ShadowBox: Interactivity Toolkit. Both assets are required in order for this asset to work.[Overview]COZY: Weather for Interactivity Toolkit integrates COZY: Weather with ShadowBox: Interactivity Toolkit to take advantage of the Weather system, Time of Day, and Seasonal changes to bring a brand new level of immersion to your games![Props]Environmental PropThe Environmental Prop component gives you unprecedented flexibility to manipulate your ShadowBox props to the whims of your Weather, Time of Day, or Seasonal systems!Environmental Light PropThe Environmental Light Prop component attaches to an object in your scene, and allows you to enable or disable the attached light and particle system according to Time of Day, Weather, or Season![Events]Any Weather, Seasonal, or Time of Day changes that your ShadowBox: Interactivity Toolkit props can react to, so can any other object in your game scene with the power of Unity Events![Bespoke, Designer Friendly Editor]Building upon the ease of use already existing in ShadowBox, we extended this feature to COZY: Weather for Interactivity Toolkit, as well. Installation is a breeze, simply drag and drop the desired component onto your game object, or navigate one of Unity’s menus to attach via the Component or Add Component routes. Everything is clearly labeled and carefully placed, to help prevent confusion when using our assets for the first or eight millionth time.Integrates COZY: Weather with ShadowBox: Interactivity Toolkit to provide weather based immersion and interactivity for your game(s)!Features:Seamless integration of ShadowBox: Interactivity Toolkit and COZY: Weather. Import and go!Supported OS: AllSupport: https://www.shadowed.games/supportRequires:COZY: Weather and ShadowBox: Interactivity Toolkit in order to work.