UMA Goblin armor Pack II contains 4 sets dedicated for UMA 2 (the most advanced character customization package).SET 1:What is in the package:FBXTexturesSlotsOverlaysWardrobe UMA 2 recipesDemo scene setup by UMA with configured recipesSlots:HeadChestLegsFeetHandsShouldersSET 2:What is in the package:FBXTexturesSlotsOverlaysWardrobe UMA 2 recipesDemo scene setup by UMA with configured recipesSlots:HeadChestLegsFeetHandsShouldersSET 3:What is in the package:FBXTexturesSlotsOverlaysWardrobe UMA 2 recipesDemo scene setup by UMA with configured recipesSlots:HeadChestLegsFeetHandsShouldersSET 4:What is in the package:FBXTexturesSlotsOverlaysWardrobe UMA 2 recipesDemo scene setup by UMA with configured recipesSlots:HeadChestLegsFeetHandsShouldersRequires UMA 2 and Goblin Race Pack