This is a 2D platform game with many actions and sample levels. Easy to custom/adding new levels1++++++DEMO ANDROID: DOWNLOAD HERE++++++I. FEATUREGameplay:+ Total 3 worlds+ A demo scene to test all features of the game+ Total 18 sample levels with 3 BOSS FIGHT levels (watch video clip to add more level)+ Total 20 Enemies (3 BOSSES)+ Admob, UnityAd and In-App Purchase are integrated+ Many obstacle objects+ Unlock more characters in Shop+ Total C#, easy to learn and coding+ Animation with Sprites/Sprite sheet => easy to reskin+ 3 stars system+ Shop system+ Level system+ Keyboard Controller for PC (can editing)Player Abilities:Run and SlideDashJetpackGun attackMelee AttackThrow bombClimb ladderSwimmingCatch ropeDouble JumpSlide wallsideJump up the wallReskin service = $220If you have any questions please contact: aigame.contact@gmail.com