Set of 3D models of boxes for bandages, plasters, vitamins, medical shelves and cabinets.The set includes 10 models of vintage boxes with bandages, medicines and vitamins, small, medium and large sizes. Four medical shelves and a medical cabinet. The package was also complemented by a Pharmacy Cabinet, a set of 10 ceramic bottles with two material options and two versions of microscopes with a box.In the future, the package will be updated and supplemented with new models!If necessary, in the modelI can make changes, make them older or newer, remove or add damage if necessaryplease contact by email, I will be happy to help KalininS1998@gmail.comVersion (Build-in) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/221187Number of textures: 63Number of Materials: 25Textures resolution: 2048x2048px (BaseMap, MaskMap, NormalMap)*.Polygon count:BandageBig: 108 trianglesBandageMedium: 276 trianglesBandageSmall: 276 trianglesGauzeBandage: 151 trianglesMetallBandagesBox: 604 trianglesTriangularBandage: 124 trianglesVitamineMetallBox: 684 trianglesCornPads: 160 trianglesMedicalAmpoulesBox: 68 trianglesFirstAidKitBox: 412 trianglesMedShelf: 376 trianglesWallFirstAidKit: 484 trianglesShelf: 608 trianglesWoodShelf: 1076 trianglesAntiqueCabinet: 1874 triangles(Textures resolution: 4096x4096px (BaseMap, MaskMap, NormalMap).*)+(Textures resolution: 1024x1024px (BaseMap, MaskMap).*)ApothecaryCabinet: 6478 triangles(Textures resolution: 2x4096x4096px (BaseMap, MaskMap, NormalMap).*)Bottles: 11952 triangles(Textures resolution: 4096x4096px (BaseMap x2, MaskMap, NormalMap).*)Microscope: 3838 triangles(Textures resolution: 4096x4096px (BaseMap, MaskMap, NormalMap).*)Microscope_V2: 7448 triangles(Textures resolution: 4096x4096px (BaseMap, MaskMap, NormalMap).*)Number of meshes: 10.Number of prefabs: 40.UV mapping: Yes