Dungeon generator with a set of different compatible components, that can be used according to needs - get working simple dungeon in a few seconds, or setup some complicated structure.PDG is a runtime dungeon generator that separates generation process into two stages - layout generation and dungeon building, and provides components for each of those tasks, that you can combine between each other.For layout generation you can choose one of available presets and easily setup basic rules for adjacent room types or dungeon with restricted zones that can be reached after obtaining a key or killing some boos.Or, if that's not enough - customize unique structure with MultiStageGenerator - it is more time-consuming, but can achieve a lot more results. if you are interested exactly in that feature - you can check the video from the timecode: https://youtu.be/Qk1g6SSX4vE?t=240As for dungeon building, currently 2 types are available - basic gameobject builder(that uses custom wall objects, that you can manually setup, or use basic mesh-generated walls) and tilemap-integrated builder. They both support different room forms(maze, coridors, and some other types, of course, including normal rect room), different object spawn places(near wall, or in circle, or in the corner), different objects and rooms sizes.Also supports very basic pathfinding method(applying it will require coding), that is good for 2d turn-based games. However, you can find 3d realtime example in SampleScenes folder as well.if you have any questions, want some new specific feature, or just have an idea what can be improved or added - feel free to send email to jungleafkdev@gmail.com, or visit the forum: https://forum.unity.com/threads/release-pdg-procedural-dungeon-generator.1276355/Easy-to-use components for dungeon generation. Set required room types, select form for each room(normal, mazes, coridors, long entrances, etc), add different doors, setup object spawn patterns - without any programming or long setup. Integrated with GameObjects and Tilemaps.3 built-in Layout Generators. Assign random room types with given chances, use adjacent-based approach to set which room can spawn near which, or use routing dungeon to hide some rooms from player untill the key is found.Advanced Layout Generation - use MultiStageGenerator or API to setup step-by-step layout generation. But be careful - this task might be tricky and might need some time to learn, you can check example in the video to see if you want to try it.