The must package for all Beginner of Unity.
. Copy & Paste . That's it ! All done in 1 node...
. Save you 1-2 years.- Unity 2021- Unity 2022 + newer- Any versions with Visual ScriptingCopy & Paste . That's it ! All done in 1 node in Visual Scripting...+ Macro-ChatVivox: ***NEW***. Voice and text chat in game : using Unity Vivox.+ Macro-Steam Network: ***NEW***. Make game online : used to connect Host & Clients , using Netcode. Matchmaking, auto join, support reconnect Client, Host transfer... Free relay and free bandwidth data 100%+ Macro-Netcode Package : ***NEW***. Macro-Netcode , Macro-Relay , Macro-Lobby : build a complete Multiplayer Game super easy in Visual Scripting. Support cross-platforms and reconnection !+ Macro-InAppPurchase : ***NEW***. All features of plugin Unity-InAppPurchase : not use Codeless, scripted & converted to Visual Scripting+ Macro-Firebase :***NEW.To turn on Firebase Analytics or Google Analytics on Android/iOS... to use Google Ads to get more Installs for your new Published Games+ Macro-Admob :***NEW. All functions of Ad Initialize , Banner , Interstitial , Rewarded Ad ...+ Macro-UnityAds : version 4.4.2 ***NEW. All functions of Ad Initialize , Banner , Interstitial , Rewarded Ad ...+ Macro-Text :. Load Text to Line by Line String, Input Field in Text Mesh Pro ...+ Macro-PhotoSound : (PC/iOS/Android/more...). Take Screenshot, save & load Photo , save & load sound : easy in 1 node only+ Macro-Pointer :. UI Button / Touch Button on mobile games - Use Pointer events for UI Buttons : work faster on phones and better Multi-touches ( Tutorial and free to try it on my youtube channel )+ Macro - Url :. Get / Post / Patch / Update / Insert / Delete using UnityWebRequest in 1 node only to get data return from website or database. Free global Highscore/Leaderboard with Airtable : no website , no hosting required+ Macro - Inventory : create inventory system (pickup, add,remove,check full ...) all steps under 5 minutes in Visual Scripting....+ Macro - Quest : create Quest System in Visual Scripting easiy : even like big games Maple Story , World of Warcraft ... Receive Quest , Read Quest, Pick up item for Quest, Return & Receive rewards , Quest Process Saving , Quest with Timing ...+ Macro - Character :. Move 2D/3D Character in any type of games : platform, top down , FPS/TPS (Macro-ThirdPerson) , Runner. Move Enemy : to a position , Path to Path ...+ Netcode - Multiplayer Online: You can get this free from my youtube channel. Simple script to use Netcode for Multiplayer Online Games in Visual Scripting+ Macro - NoMacro : most important. Take Screenshot & Save in 1 node only. Convert position from UI to World / World to UI .... Angle between 2D positions 3D positions... 2D 3D Rotate to a position.... String : get string between , get string after , get string before , remove special chars in 1 node.... Get Directions from 2D positions , 3D positions .... List : sort List 1 Layer / 2 Layers, duplicate List , Delete item has value in List .... Many many more ... that's a lot ^ ^ in this Macro+ Macro - Tween :. Tween behavior : example make Game Title big and small smoothly in time. Set opacity, scaling , moving to position backward and forward smoothly. Reduce Health Point, Counting Coins , Counting Points smoothly+ And many more Macro : Macro-PhotoSound, Macro-Shake , Macro-Keyboard, Macro-Bullet , Macro-Array, Macro-Bound, Macro-Touch, Macro-Flash, Macro-ThirdPerson, Macro-Pin, Macro-Sine, Macro-Timer, Macro-Visible, Macro-System, Macro-Object, Macro-Rotate, Macro-Pointer...* You can leave me message for support at discord : https://discord.gg/MsmQ64rX9y fast reply from me here ( tag #Leo69 ).* Or my email : qngnht@gmail.comWork on all versions of Unity