A package that fits very well on any kind of summer mood, like a beach, a cove, any kind of pirate environment also.
Feel free to explore with the assets!!I provide you with a nice variety of palm trees, a bridge, and a few vacations assets.Also keep in mind that the floating islands can be used as mountains, and I made a smooth and a rocky island.It's a small package, but with a huge utility for an environment, I'm sure this assets will be useful on some of your projects.I also added a nice details on the gradient map to make an cartoon wood. Details:Every asset shares one texture, so it can be batched together to save draw calls.The polycount assets are beetween 44 and 2048 tris.The pack work in URP and standard pipeline.The renders use Unlit shader, some of them are not included as scene in the package.Assets have a mesh collider, so make sure to check it if you prefer a different collider.Prefabs:▪ Bridge x1▪ Wood Plank x4▪ Floating Island x2▪ Stone x3▪ Palm Tree x6▪ Grass x2▪ Umbrella x1▪ Beach Chair x1▪ Beach Ball x1▪ Boat x1▪ Diorama x1