Easily work with colors in the HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) and HSL (Hue-Saturation-Lightness) color models.CustomPropertyDrawers for ColorHsv and ColorHsl are only available in Uniity 2022.1 or later, due to need of a new Unity feature available in 2022.1.With this package, you will be able to easily work with colors in the HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) and HSL (Hue-Saturation-Lightness) color models in script, as well as have access to several handy color transformation functions.I have been using this code in some form for several years. It seems to make it into every game I write, so I have packaged it up in the hopes that others will find it just as useful.Includes unit tests for all play-mode code.Easily convert to/from different color models using ColorHsv and ColorHsl classes.Apply transformations to any float-based color type (Color, ColorHsv, or ColorHsl) with one line of code:BrightnessContrastColor BalanceInvertComplementHueSaturationValueLightnessTransformation methods provided as extension methods for UnityEngine.Color.Work with hues as a (0..1] range, degrees, or radiansCompare float-based color types for approximate equality within custom threshold (epsilon)Performance-minded codeIncludes unit tests with 100% coverage of play-mode codeIn Unity 2022.1 or later, Editor Property Drawers are available that use the built-in Unity Color Picker for ColorHsv and ColorHsl colors.Online API documentation available at https://smilingcatentertainment.com/api/docs/SmilingCat.ColorModels.1.0/Offline API documentation available in the included pdf file.