Unity Lightmass is a tool based on UnrealEngine Lightmass, which is similar to Unity's Lighting baking system.Unity Lightmass baking tool supports the following functions:Supported baking light types: Directional Light、Point Light、Spot Light、Area Light、Sky Light;Supported Directional Light baking mode: Mixed、Baked;Distributed baking is supported;Baking time is is greatly reduced;Each object is individually set to a lightmap resolution;Demo download link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cG9lomg6tb5UK7wIVeYn4UA1lCSJWrse/view?usp=sharingDocs:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O99NlRyHyGePBAhEfe9yq1aAHWIATETj/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104917102906705819153&rtpof=true&sd=trueMainly to solve the baking big world, and support distributed baking across multiple computers.UnityLightmass is targeted at all platforms. You can use it at all your platform, eg: PC/Android/iOS.Roadmap:URP support;HDRP support;Because the Unity package must not contain an .exe or installer program or application, I put the file on Google Drive. The download link for the Swarm.zip is :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TnBhznUkvUA-n89CgjLeSK3jGhnfGIto/view?usp=sharing