Ultimate In-Game Notifications asset helps you achieve high quality in-game notifications using minimum effort, whether it's a single notification or multiple notifications at once.OVERVIEWUltimate In-Game Notifications asset helps you achieve high quality in-game notifications using minimum effort, whether it's a single notification or multiple notifications at once.FEATURES OVERVIEWThe notifications are highly customizable so you can adapt it to the look of your game. The asset also has the ability to customize each notification’s sound and icon.MULTIPLE NOTIFICATIONSSupports both One Notification and Multiple NotificationsHIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLESend a notification with custom sound, or icon. Or redesign the whole notificationDRAG N' DROP READYWith a simple drag and drop you can start calling the notification function from codeEASY TO SETUPJust drag the prefab to your scene and then call the NotificationManager.instance.SendNotification() function from your codeFULLY DOCUMENTEDBeginner-friendly documentation to ease the setup process, the code is well written and is documented as well. To get started check the GuideDEPENDENCIESThis asset requires TextMeshPROFOLLOW INTENSENATIONDiscord | Reddit | TwitterMultiple NotificationsHighly CustomizableDrag And DropGame Ready