Cheer up peasants and nobles with feast music made from original medieval instruments!In this original composition, the flute and bagpipe play together a cheerful melody, until the fiddle comes in to say a word.Main song:- WAV_TALES-ALE-MASTER.wav (2:09)Loop configuration A (fiddle in the outro):- LOOPA\WAV_TALES-ALE_LOOPA_IN.wav (0:28)- LOOPA\WAV_TALES-ALE_LOOPA_LOOP.wav (0:44)- LOOPA\WAV_TALES-ALE_LOOPA_OUT.wav (0:55)Loop configuration B (fiddle in the loop):- LOOPB\WAV_TALES-ALE_LOOPB_IN.wav (0:46)- LOOPB\WAV_TALES-ALE_LOOPB_LOOP.wav (1:02)- LOOPB\WAV_TALES-ALE_LOOPB_OUT.wav (0:20)Audio file type: WAV (Waveform Audio File Format)Sample rate: 48000hzBit rate: 3072kbpsLoopable: Yes, 2 configurations as described in the README file