Candy Fruit World is the perfect and most complete match-3 solution for Unity.The project has many possibilities. There is a powerful editor at the level, which supports extensions - simple abstract classes, allowing to add new functions in the editor. If you decide to create a new type of content for this game, such as a new type of fruit, new mechanics, new level objectives or a contract for the node editor. There is also an easy-to-use content editor - all settings in one place. Customize it and make new variants with different parameters. All changes are automatically incorporated into the level editor. and new development match-3FEATURE OVERVIEW• 200 tested levels - created for preview. Use them as starting point for your game.• Optimized for Mobile - UI resizes to all types and resolutions of mobile devices.• Life Shop - to coins or watch the video ad.• In-game privacy policy included• Localization tool - localize the game to any language.• Rewarded video• Coins Shop• Booster Shop• Localized PriceProfessional, complete and extensively documented C# source code included that follows best practices for Unity projects.the source .PSD filesComplete set of unique graphics, animations and effectsEasy-to-use visual editor: create your ownOS X, Windows, iOS, Android and Web Player SupportMore our assets on the store:King Runner Subway Complete ProjectNights In Ghost Houses Complete ProjectTHIRD-PARTY LIBRARIES- iTween and Unity library (license here). See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package- TextMeshPro under Asset Store EULA kindly allowed by its developerSee Third-Party Notice.txt file in package- Requires Unity IAP to work- Requires Unity TextMeshPro to work