Do you want to create your own NFT collection? This package helps you to create thousands of random renders automatically .
Thanks to this toolkit you can randomize a 2D or a 3D subjects and save it !NFT random generator 3D/2D from THE LABADo you want to create a NFT collection from a 3D or a 2D subject but you do not know how to randomize it?Do you need a toolkit that takes thousands of renders randomly of your art in a few seconds?This package is the right one for you!With this package you can:save thousands of NFT renders in a few seconds.randomize a 3D subject like a character an environment or an object.randomize 2D drawings or graphics .randomize materials colors and textures.use realtime graphics.Thanks to the Unity Editor this package let you to create NFT collections, randomizing subjects and render it in to a local folder directly in the editor without building in to a project.Easy to useUser friendlyAutomatizedTutorial and documentationNOTICE: to add the NFT (Non Fungible Token) you have to manage it by your own and upload it by your own . this package mange only the randomizing and rendering aspects.Easy to useuser friendlytutorial and documentationCharacter randomizerenvironment randomizernftrender / screenshot automatizer2D / 3D randomizerThis package do not need to be builded in to a project , you can use it directly in the editor.Create thousands of NFT renders in to a local folders immediately.