Easy and simple volumetric lighting system. Drop in and see the god rays you know you've been wanting in URP. (URP 11+)
* Simple to setup and easy to use. Slot in the RenderFeature and VolumeComponent and you'll immediately see results.
* Fast by default with easy to use quality options.
* Works with all of the built in unity light types. Works with shadows and cookies.
* Includes depth-aware upscaling for high quality visuals even when using low quality settings.
* Works with VR and even with Single Pass Instanced (SPI) rendering.
* Slots into URP's Volume system, so you can easily blend visual settings between post processing volumes.
* All lights are processed in a single draw call when creating the volumetric texture - try it with many lights!
* Includes full source code!
* Works on all platforms unity supports (except for very old mobile devices).
Please note: this asset ONLY works on URP. This is not intended for HDRP or the built-in render pipeline.