This is intended to be background music in perhaps a given area in an adventure game (or MMO for example).There are two wave files included. They are the same music, except that one does not have the "Kanun" instrument. There is also a C# script to configure how you want to play these two songs:You can define a ratio and a volume. The volume is trivial, and specifies how loud to play the music.The ratio determines how much you want to play the file "without Kanun" to the "Kanun". You can still choose 0 or very large number to play either one only. The C# script can also stops the playback.Why? Based on how large the area is, by removing then adding the instrument, the user will not be bored or tired from listening.Two almost similar wave files, 1:52 minutes long,96Khz sample rate,24 bits,Stereo Mix1 C# configurator script.The files can loop.