Rendered into 2D images from 3D models.
The bundle contains city, forest, jungle, dark land and winter land elements. It also includes home furnishings, a castle and a forge.
Pack includes:
-240 ground tiles, sprite size 3840 x 2304. Single tile size is 192 x 192. Grass, forest and jungle element, pavement, rugs, water, swamp and gorge.
-210 small object, sprite size 3840 x 3168. Single tile size is 192 x 288. Furniture, trunk, doors, street lamp, bush adn walls.
-100 medium object, sprite size 2880 x 3840. Single tile size is 288 x 384. Well, doors, furniture, bridges, ruin, obelisk, mountains and trees.
-50 big object, sprite size 4800 x 1536. Single tile size is 480 x 288, 288 x 480 and 384 x 192. Bridges and tables.
Contact and support: karolurban94@gmail.com