Dates and Times for Unity provides users with two classes that are easily interchangeable with the default System.DateTime and System.TimeSpan classes which are now serialized within Unity.The Dates and Times for Unity asset provides users with SerializableDateTime and SerializableTimeSpan structs. Both structs are easily interchangeable with the default System.DateTime and System.TimeSpan structs are now serialized within Unity.In addition to being serializable (they can be displayed in the inspector), a nice editor window can be used to set date time, and/or time span values.🗂️ This asset is part of the PRO Development Bundle. Get 10 assets, including tools, extensions and out-of-the-box architecture to improve your debugging and development and save over 50%!FeaturesA SerializableDateTime struct that is easily interchangeable with the System.DateTime struct.An extensive property drawer in which a SerializableDateTime value can be set.A SerializableTimeSpan struct that is easily interchangeable with the System.TimeSpan struct.An extensive property drawer in which a SerializableTimeSpan value can be set.A TimeExtensions class to provide calculation of metadata like Season, Part of the day, and Period of the day.Full support for UNIX time.A wide selection of formatting options.A complete demo scene showcasing how to implement and use the asset.Fully tested and optimized for performance.More assets by DTTConnection StatusCoroutine ManagementInspector AttributesManaged SingletonsAnalytics StandardizationAnalytics A/BSerializable TypesScreen Rotation Management🗃️ Upgrade your projects with our discount bundles - 50% off!PRO UI Bundle - Fast and easy UI/UXPRO Development Bundle - Superior debugging and developmentPuzzle Games Bundle #1Game Essentials BundleWord Games Bundle #1Retro Casual Games Bundle #1Music Games Bundle #1Math Games Bundle #1Curious about what else we got to offer?Please check out our publisher page or visit our website!A question or suggestion? We would love to hear from you.We are always looking to improve our assets to suit your needs.If you have any questions (before or after purchasing it), always feel free to contact us at: asset-support@d-tt.nl.❤️ Reviews are very much appreciated, we love to hear what you think of the asset.QualityAll code is extensively and clearly commented.Runtime code is >95% unit tested.Contains an extensive PDF with documentation, including code samples to help you on your way.CompatibilityTested and verified from Unity 2020.3 onwards on:iOSAndroidWindowsMacOSWebGL