a small free expansion pack for the Subway Pack is a bunch of modular tunnels to explore and a train and a zombie doga small free expansion pack for the Subway Pack is a bunch of modular tunnels to explore a train and a few bonus props as well as a simple character controller to help you get started and one zombie dog that chases the playerzombie dogwith 8 Animations7 props6 modular walls1 door4 Fixtures7 props4 ground tiles5 track parts7 train tunes1 train low poly23 textures14450 trianglesmost Textures are 256x256 pixels45 prefabscompatible with all other packs made by little dog creationsAll meshes have collision low poly23 texturesmost Textures are 256x256 pixels52 meshes44 prefabsRigging: yesUV mapping: Yescompatible with all other packs made by little dog creationsAll meshes have collision 13276 trianglesAnimation count 8