Magic Potion Shader / Bubbling Cauldron / Dungeon Scene
Feargrieve Studios
Jump AssetStore
An atmospheric medieval dungeon scene showcasing a striking magic potion VFX in a realistically bubbling cauldron lit by stylised fire VFXURP compatibility onlyAdd a beautiful stylised magic potion effect, fire effect and popping bubble effect to your game or project with this fully customisable, URP compliant dungeon scene. Easily add a spooky, medieval style dungeon complete with cauldron for all your magical, potion brewing needs! Easy setup and ready for mobile & desktop applications.Full shader graphs includedAll high fidelity textures includedDozens of customisable parameters*** URP ONLY ***Performant for mobile & desktopFeatures:Animated bubbling liquid potion surfaceDynamic stylized water simulationProcedural generation based noise textures and distortion effectsPlanar reflectionsAnimated vertex displacementPopping bubble effect shader integrated into particle systemVibrant cartoon stylised campfire flames shaderBespoke 3D models tailored to the packageFull image post-processing effectsIn the package you get:Premade surface texturesPlanar reflections implementationFull potion surface shader graphFull toon flames shader graphFull popping bubbles shader graphCauldron lighting shader graphCustom normals shader graphDungeon models including cauldron, campfire, columns, torches, chains, door and staircaseAdditional particle effectsDemo scenePost-processing exampleExtensive documentationModels used in video not included you can find them for free in the asset store, all assets replaced by bespoke models in package.Premade surface texturesPlanar reflections implementationFull potion surface shader graphFull toon flames shader graphFull popping bubbles shader graphCauldron lighting shader graphCustom normals shader graphDungeon models including cauldron, campfire, columns, torches, chains, door and staircaseAdditional particle effectsDemo scenePost-processing exampleExtensive documentation