Nemisindo's Adaptive Footsteps plugin features a dynamic sound effect model capable of generating footsteps in real time, completely procedurally.With this plugin we provide 12 presets, such as "high heels on pavement", "boots on dirt", "running on grass", etc. you will save plenty of time. Setting up the different surfaces is really easy!The footstep model is implemented as a native audio plugin.Demo: https://youtu.be/_UbKVy8fu_8About Us:Nemisindo is an Epic Megagrant recipient. At Nemisindo, we are dedicated to delivering great sound effects and tools to all, from the professional sound designer crafting the richest, immersive scenes, to the enthusiast content creator wanting cool, fun sounds to match their creative content. Using our transformative procedural audio technology, we aim to completely remove the reliance on sample libraries for sound effects, by offering intuitive tools that can generate any sound. Our technology is more creative than simply using pre-recorded sounds that are never quite what's wanted. We can generate sounds that have never been recorded, and they can be shaped and crafted at the point of creation, breaking through the limitations of sampled sounds.Find out more at https://nemisindo.com/Features:Can be added to any scene through an audiomixer.Link sound parameters to in-game events via the Scripting API12 built-in presets7 surfaces : Grass, Dirt, Concrete, Wood, Hollow Wood, Metal, and Gravel4 Shoe types : Trainers, High Heels, Boots, Dress Shoes/Oxford, Custom ShoesCustomisable pace, steadiness, and step firmnessAutomated and Manual modesFully procedural, no space wasted on sample librariesFully integrated with Unity, no third party software neededDocumentation: https://nemisindo.com/app/documentation/unity-footsteps.html