90s Living Room ItemsThis pack living room furniture includes both HDRP and SRP foldersContents of HDRP folder are only compatible with a HDRP Project.Contents of Standard folder are only compatible with an SRP Project.Both folders are included.Walls and flooring not included, this package includes Furniture, Textures and Materials only.All 10 models (+ sofa and armchair additional colours) contain albedo, roughness, normal, and occlusion maps.Additional Metallic and Emmision maps are included where appropriate.The models are between 434 and 7336 tris and are in the FBX format.This package includes:Armchair (+ additional colour)Tris:2866Texture maps: 4096x4096Sofa (+additional colour)Tris: 7336Texture maps: 4096x4096FireplaceTris: 3862Texture maps: 4096x4096Coffee TableTris: 1292Texture maps: 2048x2048RemoteTris: 434Texture maps: 2048x2048TVTris: 2366Texture maps: 4096x4096VCRTris: 608Texture maps: 2048x2048TV CabinetTris: 858Texture maps: 4096x4096SideboardTris: 1273Texture maps: 4096x4096LampTris: 1836Texture maps: 2048x2048