Fantasy pirate hideout environment with few props for basic scene.n/aAll models and textures/materials are customizable and easy to use, suitable for various game genres and projects.Props are low-poly and usable for mobile or VR/AR projects.PREFABS:● meteor* - this is main building block of environment; I have imagined this to be meteor for pirate hideout somewhere in the space; but hey It can be used for any other purpose; for example, just an island.● plant – stylized plant, it reminds of sago palm (cycas revoluta).wreck parts…● wreck_fence* - fence of the wreck, but it can be used as separate prefab.● wreck_hatch - hatch of the wreck, but it can be used as separate prefab.● wreck_house – deckhouse of the wreck, but it can be used as separate prefab.● wreck_hull* - main part of the wreck, but it can be used as separate prefab.*if you would like to use these prefabs for mobile or VR projects, I suggest to change colliders to box colliders.Number of meshes/prefabs: 6.1) Polygon count of [meteor.fbx]: 15510- UV mapping: Yes.- Texture dimensions and number: 2048x2048; 5 textures (PBR).- Types of materials and texture maps: PBR metallic – roughness.2) Polygon count of [plant.fbx]: 496- UV mapping: Yes.- Texture dimensions and number: 2048x2048; 4 textures (PBR).- Types of materials and texture maps: PBR metallic – roughness.3) Polygon count of [wreck_fence.fbx]: 930- UV mapping: Yes.- Texture dimensions and number: 2048x2048; 5 textures (PBR).- Types of materials and texture maps: PBR metallic – roughness.4) Polygon count of [wreck_hatch.fbx]: 712- UV mapping: Yes.- Texture dimensions and number: 2048x2048; 5 textures (PBR).- Types of materials and texture maps: PBR metallic – roughness.5) Polygon count of [wreck_house.fbx]: 2048- UV mapping: Yes.- Texture dimensions and number: 2048x2048; 5 textures (PBR).- Types of materials and texture maps: PBR metallic – roughness.6) Polygon count of [wreck_hull.fbx]: 3584- UV mapping: Yes.- Texture dimensions and number: 2048x2048; 5 textures (PBR).- Types of materials and texture maps: PBR metallic – roughness.