Environment prop asset
Here are 2 french headlights (Jument, Perdrix), 1 fishing boat and props (2 rocks, 1 wooden bridge...).
It has its material composed of 4 textures : Albedo, Metallic, Normal map and Occlusion : 4k version.
Poly count
Perdrix (the smallest) : Tris = 8008
Jument (the greatest) combine
- Base : Tris= 1456 tris
- Coupole : Tris= 4016 tris
- Couronne : Tris= 2412 tris
- Tour : Tris= 400
- Fenetre : Tris= 154
Fishing boat combine
- Coque : Tris= 1149
- Cabine : Tris= 1129
- Rembarde : Tris= 368
- Bastingage : Tris= 14020