NimGui is a high performance runtime ImGui library allowing you to focus on creating functional UI.Unity URP 2D will only work with URP 11+. For URP 10, you will need to ensure render features are injected into the RenderPipeline. Here is a link to UGUIDOTs which employs the same technique: https://github.com/InitialPrefabs/UGUIDOTS/issues/44NimGui is a 1 draw call immediate mode UI allowing developers to draw functional UI. It allows you to quickly create interactable widgets and display information and is flexible such that:It can work with both Unity Entities' SystemBase(DOTS) and plain old MonoBehavioursWidgets can be drawn from Update or LateUpdateFeatures1 draw callUtilizes Job System + Burst Compile to generate the UI asynchronouslySDF FontsSupports linear and gamma colorspaceStatic APINo polymorphism, all widgets are either static methods or structs with scope closuresCall NimGui functions from any Unity Entities SystemBase/MonoBehavioursStatic APIs can be called from Update/LateUpdateSupports Builtin/Universal Render PipelineSupports Legacy Input Manager/Input SystemSupported WidgetsBoxLabelLineProgressBarButtonCollapsible AreaDropdownScroll AreaSliderTextFieldTogglePackage Documentation | Demo | Forum1 draw callUtilizes Job System + Burst Compile to generate the UI asynchronouslySDF FontsSupports linear and gamma colorspaceStatic APINo polymorphism, all widgets are either static methods or structs with scope closuresCall NimGui functions from any Unity Entities SystemBase/MonoBehavioursStatic APIs can be called from Update/LateUpdateSupports Builtin/Universal Render PipelineSupports Legacy Input Manager/Input SystemSupported WidgetsBoxLabelLineProgressBarButtonCollapsible AreaDropdownScroll AreaSliderTextFieldToggle