This tool help you to find all references on project and scene for the selected asset without needing to Seach for References.Requirest Unity Editor Coroutine Package.This is an Unity Editor tool to help find assets reference between all other assets and GameObjects in the scene. All of this without needing to run a Find References for each object that you want.This is very useful if you are using Scriptable Object Architecture, because it becames so easy to find the references for each scriptable object in the Project and in the Game Hierarchy for the current game scene.This package contains:Asset Reference on Project Window;Asset Reference on Hierarchy Window;Quickly Goto for the GameObjects or Assets that reference the selected Asset.Requirements:2018.3 or above;Editor Coroutines Package;Check this website for more information.Cached Asset Reference on Project Window;References are cached in a multi-threaded operation to be as fast as possible.Asset Reference on Hierarchy Window;Quickly Goto for the GameObjects or Assets that reference the selected Asset.