The GUI element that represents an interactive tree.UsageScene selection.Developer or tester menu.Representation of tree objects with node controls.DemoContentThe project consists of C# scripts, other files are used for demonstration purposes.Scenes/TreeviewDemo.unity - demonstration scene with tree samplesTextures/ - sprites for buttons and glyphsTreeview/ - C# scripts that represent tree entities and display GUI elementsGlyphs.psd - Photoshop project template for creating glyphs in all statesSlider.cs - shows the tree samples in TreeviewDemo.unityTreeviewDataExample.cs - example of a tree management algorithmGet startedCreate an empty object.Add the Treeview.cs component.Set the font of the node.Set glyph font if branches and nodes will be represented as pseudographic text characters.Add the script that initializes and manages the tree hierarchy, such as TreeviewDataExample.cs.FeaturesThe tree can be displayed in the Scene, Game and Inspector tabs.Glyphs representing branches and nodes can be textures or pseudographic text characters.The elements of the tree can be resized and repositioned.The component has its own inspector to customize the tree, the selected node and glyphs.The inspector has buttons for changing the position of the selected node in the tree hierarchy.To programmatically manage the hierarchy, it is enough to know OOP and List from System.Collections.Generic.Supported OSAny OS with .NET and Unity support.The project was created on Windows 10.