This pack includes 3 musical instrument models: Grand Piano, Upright
Piano, and Digital Keyboard, as well as related accessories. The
models are lowpoly and optimized with standard PBR materials. 2K
textures are for large or detailed objects, while 1K or lower are for
small or less detailed objects.
It includes:
+ Grand Piano (88 keys, 3 pedals)(Vertices: 6060, Triangles: 5064)
+ Upright Piano (88 keys, 3 pedals)(Vertices: 5100, Triangles: 4366)
+ Digital Keyboard (61 keys, some buttons)(Vertices: 3304, Triangles: 2916)
+ Piano Bench (Vertices: 228, Triangles: 164)
+ Keyboard Stand (Vertices: 520, Triangles: 444)
+ Keyboard Bench (Vertices: 424, Triangles: 386)
+ Sheet Music (Vertices: 80, Triangles: 64)
Keys, pedals and buttons are individual gameobjects. There is a simple
script to control the keys and the pedals. Of course, you can use
your own animations or scripts to control them.
Materials can be easily converted into URP versions, since
they are using standard shader.
The demo scene with Post Processing is included.