AI ENGINE 2.5D PLATFORMER contain many player actions, it is good for the Sneaking/Stealth gameplay+++++++DEMO ANDROID: DOWNLOAD HERE+++++++VIDEO TUTORIAL++++++Features:Special actions: Climbing Ladder, Swimming, Elevator, Rope(Climb/Swing), Jetpack, Run and Slide, Wall Jump, Sliding on slope, Balance, Push and Drag the object, Melee attack, Gun weapon, Ledge climbing, Hidden.Enemy (Melee and Gun), ObstaclesSample level systemCheckpointsAdmob and UnityAds (Gameover and Finish)Easy replace the character with other Humanoid charactersMecanim Animator systemNew Input System (Can use for Keyboard, PS4, PS5, XBOX,...)Player ability:Melee attackGun attackSwimmingDive with Oxygen barRope: Climb/SwingRope: Grab the RopepointJetpackRun and SlideWall Jump (Side to side)LadderSliding on slopeBalancePush and Drag objectLedge ClimbingHiddenHanging pipe and movingAuto climb up and over the low objectProvide Reskin service: $210For more information, please contact: aigame.contact@gmail.com