36 models
10 rigged numbers with face and 10 static without, 5 math symbols, question and exclamation marks, right, wrong and greater/minor signs, pharenteses, comma, dot, glasses and a rectangular base model.
Humanoid avatar.
Facial expresion made with blendshapes.
Vertices / faces:
character 8 with glasses 1897/1808
character 1 without glasses 1452/1386
68 prefabs
4 color variaton each number.
42 textures
256x256 to 1024x1024 png
58 animation files:
Static, walk1, walk2, run1, run2,sprint, turnR90, turnL90, brake, trip, runOUT, ballet, jump, runjump, crouch
9 idles, 4 tension, 5 victory, 6 defeat, hide and 3 hide idles.
In place and root motion versions.
2 demoscenes included to test the animations: maths and navigation.
Check the promotional videos for more information.
Documentation included.