❗❗ NEW IN VERSION 1.1.0 ❗❗Create your own Global or Local Objects and access them using dot notation (parent.child.func() or my_obj.child_obj.my_var). Use our built-in ScriptableObjectProvider to easily add, remove, and edit custom Objects. Or, roll your own implementation. The choice is yours!🐶 WOW! SUCH EXPRESSIONS 🐶The Wow! Such Expressions system unlocks the power of math for your games!🧡 SUCH HIGHLIGHTS 🧡🕹️ Easy Expressions - Expressions can be serialized in line using ourSerializableExpression class or created as an asset using our ScriptableExpression class.🕹️ Fully Functional - Write complex mathematical Expressions using our 30+ built-in Global Functions, including sin(), cos(), tan(), min(), max(), rand(), and more. Or add your own custom Global Functions!🕹️ Very Variable - Use our included Global Variables such as pi, epsilon, and deg2rad or create your own Global Variables that map to any value you want.🕹️ Awesome Objects - Create your own Objects and access them using dot notation: this.is.pretty.cool(it.sure.is).🕹️ Completely Customizable - Inject Local Functions, Variables, and Objects at runtime to easily evaluate the same Expression with different arguments.🕹️ Eminently Extensible - Override specific functionality or completely replace entire components with your own. The choice is yours!🕹️ Exemplary Examples - Check out the included Examples folder for lots of ideas on how to implement Expressions into your project!❗ VERY HELPFUL LINKS ❗📖 Documentation: technical documentation for all of our tools and extensions.🎮 Discord: get help with our products, talk about games, and much more.Please note: this package is dependent on the Wow! Such Core Tools package which is available here.