Video Gallery and Video player for easy movie texture
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This is a package that woks with the “easy movie texture” and generates a video gallery, in which some covers are displayed. Each of the covers take to a different video, inside an interface like the youtube video player.
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-Select a cover to play the video associated to it.
-Loading bar to show the video progress.
-Click on the loading bar to seek video position.
-Auto-hiding feature during reproduction (after x-seconds).
-Play and pause button in the interface.
Volume configuration.
-Return to the main gallery by pressing a button.
This package contains the following:
-The necessary FBX, textures, models, scripts shown in the video.
-Scripts manage the interaction with video player.
-One complete scene that works as in the link.
-Complete documentation/video tutorial to understand the principles of each package and full email support at: michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com.
This package needs the following:
The easy movie texture package:
download easymovietexture
To reproduce our videos, you need to copy the StreamingAssets local folder to the global streammingAsset folder in /Assets