Extensions - is extension methods for easy programming in Unity.Read documentation on github.Write code faster and more convenient! Use the extension methods provided to you! Reduce 3-5 lines of code to 1!With this asset you can assign scenes to fields, easy remove missing scripts from game objects, make fields uneditable in inspector, find closest point on line or ray, fast calculate evently distributed points on circle or sphere, convert RenderTexture to Texture or Sprite in one line, convenient way to change individual components of vectors and colors, flexible methods to work with collections and more other things!The following structures and classes have been extended:* float, double.* Color and Color32.* Vector2, Vector3, Vector4.* Vector2Int, Vector3Int.* Quaternion.* Rect.* System.Object.* IComparable, IEquatable, IEnumerable, IList.* Graphic, CanvasScaler.* Transform, RectTransform.* Camera, RenderTexture.* Scene (include ability to referencing to scenes via fields!).