Classic Runner Movements out of the box! Best implementation for mobile games, easy to use and performant. Most used movement techniques inside.Cherry Studios™ Presents -Swipe Runner Movement - provided with movement scripts and a completely generic extendable infrastructure.Most used movement logic of runners are inside.4 movement scripts:1. Move between predefined positions - Player moves between constant positions (e.g. lanes).2. Move relative to mouse or touch position - Player touches the screen to move the transform relative to finger.3. ConstantMover: Moves the transform in a direction each frame. Stop and start moving is gradual to create that smooth UX. Can be combined with any of the above movement scripts to create classic runner movements4. Follower: Moves according to another transform, with a predefined Vector3 distance from it (set on the camera usually to follow the player).The detected swipe axis can be horizontal, vertical or both.Constant movement can be forward, backward, left, right, up or down.Easy integration. Easy configuration via editor.◼ Key Features ◼- Full documentation - Link.- Demos for movement scripts combination - most runner games can be implemented by using the prefabs that are used in the demos.- Demos for each movement script, and one for the core logic so it can be as clear as possible how it works and be extended.- Source code with explanations and documentation (C#). Easy to understand, extend and use.- Customizable, written with users convenience in mind.- Built in debug.- Clean and clear source code, ready for extensions.- Prefabs to easily drag and drop in the scene.◼ Compatibility ◼- No platform restricted.- Mobile friendly. Used in our production hyper casual games.◼ Specs ◼C# code.Customizable:- Axis can be configured to vertical, horizontal or both.- Minimum swipe distance can be configured.- Minimum time between swipes can be limited.- Much more parameters! Everything possible for configuration is accessible via editor and setter methods in the classes (can be changed mid game).3 ways to implement swipe in your game using this package:- Inherit SwipeListener and implement OnSwipe method with your logic.- Use the SwipeNotifier prefab, and register C# events to it.- Use the SwipeRegistry prefab, and register C# action to it.