'SouthAsian_Women' In this package you will get a good quality South Asian Women character with 5 types of dress colors. All texture maps are in 2k resolution and png format There are 18 types of animations like
Idle Injured_Run Jogging Laying_Idle RunningSamba_DancingSitting_ClapSitting_IdleSitting_TalkingStanding_ArguingStanding_IdleTalking_On_PhoneTexting_And_WalkingTexting_While_StandingTypingWalkingZombie_CrawlZombie_Walk.
It is very good for VR games , VR simulations,AR and PC games because it has good quality PBR texture maps.It is a well optimized model, It has only one material and 3 LODs and all the LODs are arranged properly in prefabs.LOD0 has 5728 polys ,
LOD1 has 2683 polys and LOD2 has 1315 polys. You do not need any plugin or any script for running this asset pack. Created prefabs according to Dress colors and animations.
All the best