Acorns - Inhabitants of the Forest
Southport Art Studio
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This package includes 20 cartoon-style acorn characters and 16 props. The characters have expressive animations, and both the animations and props are easy to use without any settings.This package is like something out of a fairy tale or the world of a wind-up toy handed down to you by your grandparents. It's also a great gift for beginners and kids.The demo scenes show what a day is like for the Acorns. The YouTube videos are demo scenes.There are two types of prefabs: generic rigs and humanoid rigs. Generic rig prefabs play back the original animation in its entirety. But the prefab of the humanoid rig only plays part of the original animation.- PrefabsCharacters:10 generic rig acorns, 10 humanoid rig acornsProps:Beer, Blueberry, Blueberry Tree, Candle, Chair, Comforter, Ground, Leaf, MushroomB, MushroomR, MushroomY, Strawberry, Strawberry Thicket, Stump, Supper, Table- AnimationsAcorn: 14Idle, Greeting01, Talk01, Talk02, Walk, Turn, WalkH, TurnH, FallDown, Dreaming, Supper, Climing, Greeting02, SleepBeer: 1, Candle: 4, Leaf: 2, Mushroom: 2, Stump: 3- Demo scene: 8The demo scenes are the same as the YouTube video.- Polygon countAvarage of Acon: 4796Beer: 844, Chair: 320, Supper: 3544, Table: 576Candle: 572, Comforter: 1200, Ground: 242, Stump: 3428Blueberry: 392, Blueberry Tree: 7088Leaf: 196, MushroomB: 1088, MushroomR: 816, MushroomY: 816Strawberry: 624, Strawberry Thicket: 8135- Textures: 29- Texture size: 1024x1024- RP compatibility:Tested on LTS version. Both URP and HDRP can be used from Ver. 2019 to 2023.If the Fbx display does not update after material conversion, change the material creation mode to Standard in the import settings. If it still does not switch, reboot the project. Prefabs can be put into a hierarchy to create prefabs that reflect the material they are made of.If you can't see the HDRP demo scene well, change the intensity of the directional light to about 10000. Also, you can't use HDRI with HDRP without adding a new setting. We don't recommend Ver. 2020.3.0 HDRP because it causes an error when you start up the program.- System requirements: Ver.2019.4.0 or higherPlease feel free to contact us if you have any questions or problems.