Surforge - 3D rendered PBR texturing. In Unity.
Surforge is an editor extension that enables you to easily make high-quality 3d rendered PBR textures from scratch directly in Unity, with an extremely productive and intuitive workflow.
The exported maps are fully compatible with Unity Standard Shader, looking exactly the same as while you working on them.
It's a modeling toolset, kitbash library, map render, and material composer. All in one, everything you need to create great textures.
Unity 6000.0 supported.
Please note, Surforge can't run in URP / HDRP project.
You could easily use result materials and maps in URP / HDRP project with Unity built-in material converter. Please install Surforge into separate "3d" template project in this case.
New in 1.4.8
Added area mesh scatter for Poly Lasso tool with all appropriate options and controls.
added: chainmail (simple and detailed) and scalemail Poly Lasso assets.
Major Features
- Choose between Specular and Metallic workflows, with appropriate preview, edit, and export results.
- Full control: tweak any material aspect in real-time with instant feedback.
- GPU Render: high-quality ambient occlusion, dirt, worn edges baking in seconds.
- UV island based symmetry.
- Detail Tool: add texture details with a few mouse clicks.
- Material drag-n-drop with realtime feedback.
- x, y and diagonal symmetry.
- Rich detail kitbash library, constantly updated.
- Poly Lasso Tool: create 3d shapes by means of a few mouse clicks, using preset height, profile and edge rounding-off.
- Variety of Poly Lasso profiles, including tubes and wires.
- UV islands double-click fill.
- Real-time mesh cutting tool.
- Show UVs and snap to UVs.
- Rich library of mesh based and resolution independent signs, stripes, warning labels.
- Editable text labels, random text labels with mouse click.
- Labels interact with specular/gloss, normal, ao and worn edges.
- Real time emission control.
- Shrinking/expanding texture elements.
- Easy adjustment of material specular and glossiness.
- Real time materials shuffle.
- Preview with skybox selection.
- Built-in control of tonal correction (levels) directly in shader.
- Celtic ornament tool, with automated braids and overlaps.
- Realistic and fast high quality 3d moss.
System requirements
Shader model 3.5 Directx 11 compatible GPU required to run Surforge. You also need at least 8gb ram to render 4096 resolution
Surforge well optimized to run fine on modern systems, however, it is GPU based, so powerful GPU is desirable.
Exported results (which are standard sets of textures) can be used in a wide range, including mobile,
depending on the shaders with which they will be used.
- Import Surforge into a clean new project.
- Press "Yes, for these and other files that might be found later" button to update scripts for your Unity version.
- If something went wrong, please close Surforge window, save project and restart Unity. This usually solves all issues.
Useful hints
- Drag and drop your meshes, not complete model assets. Meshes can be seen if you uncover your model asset content.
- Good UVs without folding is the key for great textures. You could make in with Blender (free tool).
- You may set texturePreview/composer rotation X to -90 in your scene for Blender models.
If you have issues, please mail me before leaving a negative review and I'll be happy to help you out.
Surforge-3DレンダリングされたPBRテクスチャリング。 Unityで。
ウェブサイト ビデオ 機能 フォーラム
Unity 2019は完全にサポートされています。
Moss AddDetail Toolプレハブ。
-チューブやワイヤーを含む、さまざまなPoly Lassoプロファイル。
Unity 5.4以上(PersonalまたはPro)、Surforgeを実行するにはShaderモデル3.5 Directx 11互換GPUが必要です。 4096解像度のマップをレンダリングするには、少なくとも8 GBのRAMも必要です。
-「Go Ahead」ボタンを押して、Unityバージョンのスクリプトを更新します。
-完全なモデルアセットではなく、メッシュをドラッグアンドドロップします。 モデルアセットのコンテンツを明らかにすると、メッシュが表示されます。
-折りたたみのない良好なUVが素晴らしいテクスチャの鍵です。 Blender(無料のツール)で作成できます。
-BlenderモデルのシーンでtexturePreview / composerの回転Xを-90に設定できます。
※ 上記アセット説明(日本語翻訳)は2020年6月2日時点の内容です。