Four characters, from different eras and ends of the world.
A great characters for games from 3 persons.WARNING: The Egyptian Warrior helmet is more suitable for a static pose, in motion it is superimposed on the body (see video in the description).Four characters, from different eras and ends of the world.A great characters for games from 3 persons.An assemblage of different characters from different eras and different peoples.Can be used in the game as a main or secondary characterYou can use it for both your environment and your main character.All have edged weapons and helmet and shield, which can also serve as a primary weapon,as well as objects of the environmentEgyptian_Warriorcharacter+fabric+urei (4096*4096)37564 +101 + 3467 helemet(4096*4096)9159spear+shield+sword (4096*4096)912+2436+21021.WarriorPolys: 36 575Tris: 72 854Verts: 365122.HelmetPolys: 5268Tris: 10 531Verts:5 2783.SpearPolys: 768Tris: 15 20Verts: 7624.ShieldPolys: 1 754Tris: 3 442Verts: 1 7295.SwordPolys: 1 072Tris: 2 102Verts: 1 053Mongol_Warrior( 4096-4096 size)character ( 4096-4096 size)shield and sword( 2048-2048 size)helmet1.CharacterPolys: 6642Tris: 12715Verts: 130512.SwordPolys: 930Tris: 1804Verts: 18473.SheathPolys: 1519Tris: 2946Verts: 30775.ShieldPolys: 2318Tris: 4110 Verts: 46815.HelmetPolys: 2757Tris: 5422Verts: 5702Barbarian_Warrior( 4096-4096 size)for character and helmet( 2048-2048 size)for shield and axe1.Characer+helmetPolys: 35 252Tris: 68 031Verts: 36 5842. AxePolys: 942Tris: 1846Verts: 9253.ShieldPolys: 2 679Tris: 5 203Verts: 2 763Greek_warrior( 4096-4096 size)character ( 2048-2048 size)helmet and sword( 2048-2048 size)shield and spear1.CharacterPolys: 19 584Tris: 37 346 Verts: 39 3092.SwordPolys: 696Tris: 1336Verts: 13643.ShieldPolys: 2918Tris: 5602Verts: 56804.SpearPolys: 593Tris: 1558Verts: 1172All characters have rigg.Animation: NOUV Mapped: YESLOD: NOTextures: PBR