Use Linkage to extend Unity's 2D physics with mechanisms to transmit transformed forces, torques and motion between any number of rigid bodies.
• Want to weigh one platform down and see another rise, move or rotate?
• Want to place cogs that mesh and drive accurately, transmitting physical forces between them?
Linkage allows you to create the illusion of mechanical goings-on behind the scenes, with accurate simulation of force transmission and leverage.
Package Features:
• Connect and transform 2D forces any way you like. Link downward force on one object to sideways, upwards or diagonal force on two others, or whatever else you can think of!
• Transform force into torque and vice versa.
• Gearing and leverage - platforms or objects with higher leverage will move or turn further and push harder on the mechanism to which they are connected - see the video for an example!
• Hard or soft runtime-modifiable limits: easily restrict the range of movement of your mechanism.
• Works seamlessly with Unity joints, stacking and collision - pile multiple weights on a platform, attach a dangling chain, or physically block the motion of your mechanism with an obstacle.
• Accurately transmits both instant impulses and continuous forces.
• Linkage mechanisms are rigid and responsive, with almost no squish, stretch or slack.
• Extensive built-in support for driven mechanisms via runtime-modifiable 'drag', 'nudge', 'tension' and 'drive' settings, including a 'clutch' setting for permitting slippage under load.
• Tweakable settings for maximum stability under the loads required by your project.
• No hard limit on rigid body or mechanism count.
• Linked rigidbodies remain freely editable.
• Simple to use - no coding required.
• Simple to set up - Add a single Linkage script into your scene, drag in the rigid bodies you want to link, and you'll be building mechanisms in no time!
• Includes documentation and examples to get you started.
• Fast and efficient with low processing overhead.