A collection of post-processing effects and shaders to create a stylized comic-book-inspired art style.IntroductionCreate a stylized comic-book-inspired art style for your projects with these shaders and post-processing effects.ShadersThe package includes a uniquely styled Halftone Lit shader with:Halftone Diffuse lightingHalftone Specular highlightsHalftone Side Shine effect3 included halftone patternsBlack and White modeBoth screen space and object halftone UVsThis package also includes 2 Unlit shaders for compatibility with full-screen effects:Unlit texture shaderUnlit Color shaderPost-Processing EffectsThe package also includes a varied collection of stylized post-processing effects that extend the post-processing stack v2.These effects require the post-processing stack v2 to function.CMYK OffsettingThe CMYK Offsetting effect blurs the screen by offsetting colors in CMYK color space.CMYK Depth of FieldThe CMYK Depth of Field effect blurs the background of scenes using CMYK Offsetting.CMYK Motion BlurThe CMYK Motion Blur effect blurs fast-moving objects by using CMYK Offsetting.Halftone BloomThe Halftone Bloom effect highlights bright lights with a halftone dot pattern.Hand DrawnThe Hand Drawn effect replaces the background of an image with one of the included stylized textures.This effect includes a trigger script that triggers the effect and slows downtime while the effect is active.Heat VisionThe Heat Vision effect colors and adds outlines to the background and foreground elements of the scene to make them stand out.This effect includes a trigger script that enables a bootup animation for the effect.This asset extends the post-processing stack and requires it for the included post-processing effects to function.Included Shaders:Halftone Lit shaderUnlit texture shaderUnlit Color shaderIncluded Halftone Patterns:Dots (512x512)Lines (512x512)Scales (512x512)Included Effects:CMYK Depth of FieldCMYK Motion BlurCMYK OffsettingHalftone BloomHand DrawnIncludes two stylized 2048x2048 background textures.Heat Vision