【パブリッシャー丸ごとセール第101弾】9月6日 0:00 〜 9月12日(木) 23:59まで
Archanor VFXのアセット50%オフ
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『Super Confetti FX』$11 => FREE(9月12日 23:59まで無料)
【September Surprise sale】⏰️ 9月5日 〜 9月18日 23:59まで NEW!!
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UE→Unity変換アセット所有者にオススメ「Exporter for Unreal to Unity 2024」
『GAME CREATOR MEGA BUNDLE』 ⏰️ 9月11日(水) 3時まで
『LEARN TO CREATE GAME ART IN BLENDER 2024』 ⏰️ 9月24日(火) 3時まで
Package contains 391 models to create top quality city game- Standard RP - Unity 2019.4+- Universal RP - Unity 2019.4+🏠 City Bundle from Cube x CubeWe proud to present awesome low poly asset pack "City Bundle from Cube x Cube". There are buildings, different vehicles, street signs, roads, streets and elements for them, and other modern city infrastructure objects.Package contains 391 unique Prefabs. All section are modular. So you can piece them together in a variety of combinations. 3 DEMO SCENE included!Prefabs:🏬 Buildings (x39):Tire Fitting, Store, Street Store (x3), Police Station, Municipal Building (x2), Multi Storey House (x4), Small Booth (x3), Gas Store, Gas Station, Fire Station, Car ShowRoom, Car Repair Shop, Bank, Two-Story Building (x4), Three-Story Building (x2), Five-Story Building (x6), Seven-Story Building (x2), Nine-Story Building (x4).🚑 Vehicles (x26):Ambulance, Police, Taxi, Streetcar, Broken (x4), Bus (x2), Cargo (x3), Cola, Donut, Pizza and Hot dog cars, Firetruck (x2), Garbage truck, Pickup truck, Sedan, Sport, SUV, Wheels.🛣 Road types (x65):Road (x2), Asphalt (x3), Base (x3), Porch (x3), Bus Corner, Crossroad (x5), Grass (x6), Hill (x3), Home (x2), Parking (x10), Path Sand (x2), Pedestrian (x2), Railroad (x5), Sand (x3), Turn (x8), With Band (x4), With Grass, Without Border (x2).🚪 House parts (x84):Air Conditioning (x5), Antenna (x6), Camera (x2), Chimney (x7), Electrical Panel (x3), Front Door (x2), Lamp, MailBox, Porch (x5), Prison Bars (x3), Air Conditioning Pipe (x2), Balcony (x3), Balcony Glass, Pipe (x9), Pipe Support, Roof, Window (x23), Satellite Dish, Showcase, Tent (x6), Water Tower.🚧 Road materials (x50):Road Police Post, Column 5G, Fence (x8), Gas Billboard, Gas Flag, Ladder (x2), Manhole (x2), Pedestrian Bridge (x4), Road Barrier, Road Circle, Road Column (x3), Road Cone, Road Fence (x3), Road Fire Hydrant (x3), Road Pointer (x3), Road Sign (x12), Road Traffic Light (x2), Speed Bump.🌲 Street elements (x81):Bench (x4), Board, Bus Stop (x2), Bush (x3), Chair (x2), Trashed Mud (x3), Fence (x10), Grass (x2), MailBox, Monument, Parking For Trash with Box, Phone Station, Playground (x8), Playground Fence (x2), Table Circle, Table Cube, Trash Box (x4), Trash Can (x5), Tree (x7), Vending Machine (x2), Garbage (x2), Papers (x8), Rocks (x8), Trash Bag (x3).🖼 Billboards (x12):Billboard (x4), Mini Billboard (x5), Small Billboard (x3)🛑 Traffic signs (x34)Auto Service, Bank, Bottle Cola, Cafe (x4), Car Service, Car ShowRoom, Car Store, Circle, Cube (x5), Donut, Fire Station, Fuel, Gas Station, Hospital, Hotel, Kiosk (x3), Pharmacy, Pizza, Plus, Police, Shop (x3), Store, Tyre Fitting.🖥 Optimized for:- Standard RP - Unity 2019.4+- Universal RP - Unity 2019.4+✔ «Features»- 4 Texture (2048x2048px)- Models are between 7 and 6386 verts.❤ Free demo:We also have a free version of this asset. You can download and try it now.CubexCube - FREE City Pack🖥 Optimized for:- Standard RP - Unity 2019.4+- Universal RP - Unity 2019.4+✔ «Features»- 4 Texture (2048x2048px)- Models are between 7 and 6386 verts.
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