Download the Sword SFX without need a unity editor. Sword Sound FXIf you are a game maker and you are looking for the sound of Guns, you can download the sound of guns, which has the sound of more than 25 models of firearms inside, but if you are looking for the sound of cold weapons, such as the sound of shuriken, sword, and knife, The cartoon is coming.asset The sound effect of a Sword SFX includes the following sounds:__ Gift __- Axe (11 sounds)- Bow & Arrow (35)- Catapult (12)- Katana (80)- Kunai (9)- Nunchaku (8)- Shuriken (11)- Slingshot (10)- Spear (15)- Sword (39)We hope you enjoy it.- email: supp@luminoassets.com