World Space Daily & Infinite Prize Wheels(NEW), UI Daily & Infinite prize wheels(NEW). Animated UI Prize Wheels(original), Slots Game(original).
Add a fun way to award your players in game.This package requires unity built in extension Text Mesh Pro (TMPRO), for NEW Prize Spin Wheel (UI). Be sure to have text mesh pro added to your project before importing package.Prize Spin Wheels & Slots GameDescriptionPrize Spin Wheel (original)Easy to customise the look, using the supplied grey scale UI elements, plus easy to swap wheel and prize images for your own.Uses Animation for wheel spinning.NEW Prize Spin Wheel (World Space)Physic based wheel much more realistic than the original animated prize wheel.Easy to customise, supplied with textures and wire frames (blank & numbered) to help make your own designs, to make sure prizes line up correctly and correspond with the same prize number. Prefabs ready to drop in scene, either infinite spins or a daily/currency spin wheel, which can be set-up in the inspector, to just use daily spin or use currency as well.Also has code to give a free reel spin if land on certain prize (but can be replaced with a prize instead).Play different audio for each prize. (replace all audio with your own in the inspector)Change probability for prizes, have popular to land on with other being more unlikely.(optional in the inspector) - Add prizes as prefabs in the inspector, and the spin wheel will spawn them into the world space(Use rigidbody on prize prefabs) basic color cubes used to demo.NEW Prize Spin Wheel (UI)Physic based wheel much more realistic than the original animated prize wheel.Easy to customise, supplied with many themed prize sprites, can be swapped in the inspector then click to update, also includes many themed backgrounds, frames, pointers, wheels (also includes wireframe, numbered wireframe for making own designs. Either infinite spins or a daily/currency spin wheel, which can be set-up in the inspector, to just use daily spin or use currency as well.Also has code to give a free reel spin if land on certain prize (but can be replaced with a prize instead).Play different audio for each prize. (replace all audio with your own in the inspector)Flicker effect as wheel enters each new segment. Pivot X 0.5 Y 1Change probability for prizes, have popular to land on with other being more unlikely.Change Text for each prize in the inspector and click to update along with the prize sprites(New feature) now change all in the inspector, Wheel sprite, Wheel Frame, Wheel Pointer, Background, Spin Button. Click update design to see changes.Basic Slots Game (UI)A simple 3 reels slot game, no spinning reels, but functions just like a slots machine, 2 & 3 match win, holds, nudges, lots of customisation's using the scriptable object, easy duplicate and adjust to how you want, make many different looks.All come with prefabs ready to drop into your scene.I advise using the new UI and WS spin wheels over the original animated one, they are much more realistic and include Daily and or currency features. You can change the currency to maybe tickets the player can find in your game or just use the daily spin without currency.Created ByJazzCreateGames©2018-2024Contact SupportForumTo help with scripting world space spin wheel, and creating sprite assets, and writing documentation