CSG in Unity and in Game
Constructive Solid Geometry allows you to create new meshes by performing Subtraction, Union and Intersection between objects.
All of the CSG operations can be done in the editor or via script at runtime.
The resulting geometry preserves the texture UV coordinates of the original meshes. The program also handles rotated and scaled objects as expected and is suitable for objects with multiple materials and submeshes.
Please Note: This version of CSG works with Unity versions 5.5.0 to 2019.2.0. The program is not recommended for versions of Unity after this due to changes made within the Unity editor.
* Choose between three Boolean operations
* Includes DLL for in game operations
* Example script of in game usage
* Option to hide original objects
* Preserve or Combine submeshes
* Custom fill material
* Preserves pivot point of target object
* Pivot point offset (in editor)
* Save as new mesh
* Create an instant prefab
* Adjustable epsilon value
* Options to recalculate normals, tangents & UVs
* Customizable GUI skin
Does Not:
* Optimize triangles in the final mesh
* Work with skinned meshes
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CSG is also included in the Mesh Maker collection Available Here. Save by buying all 16 modeling & editing tools in the one bundle.