UMP is universal Media Framework plugin for Unity that based on Video LAN Codec (libVLC) native libraries.
Support E-mail: unitydirectionkit@gmail.com
Demo (Win64)
Demo (Mac64)
- Please read user manual before start use UMP;
- For possibility to use external/installed VLC libraries you should install the regular VLC player (Unity 64-bit Editor == VLC player 64-bit);
- Doesn't support Android & iOS platforms without UMP Pro (Android, iOS);
- For correct work with UMP Pro (Android, iOS) package at first import UMP Pro (Android, iOS) package and after it import UMP Pro (Win, Mac, Linux) package in your project;
Main features:
+ Included full C# source code;
+ Full compability with UMP Pro (Android, iOS);
+ Supported platforms:
* Windows (x86, x86_64);
* Mac (x86_64);
* Linux (x86, x86_x64, Universal);
* WebGL (experimantal) - supported media formats and browser compatibility
Checked on next OS:
Win - 7, 8, 8.1, 10;
Mac - 10.10 Yosemite, 10.11 El Capitan;
Linux - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS;
WebGL - Firefox, Chrome.
+ Supported possibility to use external VLC libraries;
+ Supported possibility to easy switch subtitles (SPU) and audio tracks;
+ Supported Unity Audio Source component (only Win, Mac & Linux);
+ Supported transparent videos;
+ Supported possibility to get pixels of current video frame;
+ Supported video hosting services:
* Youtube (don't support: everything private (private videos, bought movies, ...), don't support "Youtube Live Streams");
+ Full compatibility with Unity Editor on supported platforms in different modes (fast native texture updates): Direct3D9, Direct3D11 and OpenGL;
+ Supported local video file playback, main formats (only for Win, Mac & Linux):
3GPP (.3gp), AVI (.avi), FLV (.flv), SWF (.swf), M4V (.m4v), Matroska (.mkv), Ogg Video (.ogg), QuickTime File Format (.mov, .qt), WebM (.webm), Windows Media Video (.wmv).
+ Supported main streaming media protocols (only for Win, Mac & Linux):
+ Supported main video player events:
Opening, Buffering, Playing,
Ended, Error.
+ Supported full logging system from native library in Unity Editor for more debugging possibility with different depth:
Warning, Debug, Error.
+ Supported main video player features, like:
play, pause, mute, playback rate, rewind, snapshot, (SRT) subtitles, possibility to switch the audio output and ect...
Before update to the new version of UMP plugin, please delete the old one and don't forget to save your custom scripts and plugins files.
Version 2.0.3:
* Added special settings asset in "Resource" folder that will be replace previous json file settings;
* Added special settings window - "Window/UMPSettings";
* Updated youtube parsing functionality (fixed problem with last youtube api update);
* Updated native libVLC libraries for Windows (3.0.6) and Mac (3.0.6) platforms;
* Fixed problem with 'Registry' could not be found in Unity 2018.3.0f2+ versions.
* Updated custom shader that gives possibility to setup video aspect-ratio (added border offsets);
* Updated youtube parsing functionality (fixed problem with updated Youtube cipher algorithm);
* Updated native libVLC libraries for Windows (3.0.4) and Mac (3.0.4) platforms;
* Fixed problem when adding callbacks to end reached playback event;
* Fixed problem with application crash when playback some video streams.
Version 2.0.2:
* Added possibility to get current media player stats;
* Added WebGL 2.0 support;
* Added possibility to use native library logging on Unity Engine 32-bit;
* Updated media player events;
* Updated Unity "Audio Source" component support;
* Updated "Equirectangular" shader for 360 video playback;
* Updated native libVLC libraries for Windows (3.0.3) and Mac (3.0.3) platforms;
* Fixed problem with Audio/Spu track functions;
* Fixed problem with low video fps on Chrome browser;
* Fixed problem with standalone build on Mac platform when use the newest Unity version (2017.3+);
* Optimazed libVLC library implementation on x86 bit architecture.
Version 2.0.1:
* Added "Metal" API graphics rendering support for Mac platform;
* Added possibility to fully disable logging feature in release build;
* Fixed problem with playback youtube videos when use newest Unity Editor (2017);
* Fixed problem with custom asset path when make standalone build;
* Updated "Equirectangular" shader for 360 video playback (added smooth texture mapping);
* Updated user manual;
* CPU optimization for descktop platforms.
Version 2.0:
* Added possibility to setup special video playback options for different platforms;
* Added possibility to setup audio delay for current video payback;
* Added possibility to use UMP in VS (or other IDE) debug mode;
* Added possibility to use VLC options commands;
* Added specified HW decode implementation defined of running platform (better 4k support for desktop platforms);
* Memory optimization for desktop platforms;
* Updated UMP Unity Preferences;
* Updated native libVLC libraries for Windows (2.2.6) and Mac (2.2.5) platforms;
* Updated youtube parsing functionality (fixed problem with videos that has unsupported symbols in title);
* Updated media player implementation on Linux platforms (don't need to setup additional properties in your Linux OS);
* Updated youtube parsing functionality (fixed problem with parsing some youtube videos that has unsupported symbols in video title);
* Updated frames counter implementation;
* Updated user manual;
* Fixed Unity Editor freezing when close application.
Version 1.9.2:
* Added new smooth loop feature;
* Added special UMP "Debug mode" that give possibility to use IDE process debugging (experimantal);
* Added error handler for video hosting parser manager;
* Added new special UMP preferences that give possibility to use Unity "Audio Source" component for audio output by default;
* Updated native libVLC libraries for Windows platform;
* Updated playback event system implementation;
* Updated feature to handle correct aspect ratio of current playing video;
* Updated youtube parsing functionality (fixed problem with last youtube api update);
* Updated user manual;
* Fixed problem with playback rate and volume values when you create new UMP instance programmatically;
* Fixed problem with UMP UnityEvent;
* Fixed problem with inverted text on Google Chrome browser.
Version 1.9.1:
* Updated play/load video implamentation;
* Fixed problem with save playback properties (like volume, mute ect.) in loop mode.
Version 1.9:
* Added WebGL support;
* Added Unity Audio Source component support;
* Added new property to get current video playback state;
* Added possibility to rewind in pause mode;
* Updated all source code;
* Updated user manual;
* Updated UMP Editor component view.
Version 1.8.2:
* Added possibility to get more information about what your media or stream is made of;
* Updated preload setting system;
* Updated AR shader to add possibility to use negative material tilling (flip texture);
* Updated NewUIExample scene;
* Updated youtube video parsing system.
Version 1.8.1:
* Fixed problem with playback of some youtube videos;
* Updated user manual to new version.
Version 1.8:
* Added possibility to use external/installed VLC player libraries;
* Updated user manual to new version.
Version 1.7.1:
* Fixed problem with Enable/Disable GameObject with media player instance;
* Updated user manual to new version.
Version 1.7:
* Added possibility to get buffering percentage;
* Added possibility to get average color of current frame;
* Added possibility to get pixels of current frame;
* Added possibility to play video with alpha channel;
* Added more youtube video support;
* Added new example scene;
* Updated user manual to new version;
* Fixed problem with changing audio output device;* Fixed problem with loop playback of some videos;* Fixed problem with native library for Linux platform;* Changed color of path property to default (for Professional Editor Skin).
Version 1.6:
* Added possibility to get/set audio track for current video;
* Added possibility to get/set spu track for current video;
* Added frame counter;
* Added fps counter;
* Updated Windows, Mac, Linux native libraries to newest stable version;
* Updated user manual;
* Fixed problem with some .m3u8 stream videos;
* Fixed compatibility problem with Direct3D9;* Fixed compatibility problem with Linux x64;* Fixed problem with Unity Editor playback and with release player instance.
Version 1.5.1:
* Added logic to create video texture with video stream resolution by default;
* Added new callback (OnTextureCreated), so you can make some additional stuff with texture that will be used to display video;
* Optimazed memory usage.
Version 1.5:
* Added full compability with UMP (Android, iOS);
* Added post process build possibility;
* Added possibility to select audio output module (for Oculus Rift headphones);
* Added possibility to leave the last frame after stop playback;
* Renamed some namespaces, interfaces, methods;
* Fixed problem with incorrect position and stoping video stream on first frame;
* Fixed problem with incorrect text color in Unity inspector window.
Version 1.4:
* Added Linux x86 support and possibility to create the Universal build;
* Added Mac OS youtube video playback support;
* Added new Unity scene example with 360 video playback;
* Added new additional options thats help set up native library for your specific stream;
* Updated native libraries for Mac OS to newest version;
* Fixed problem with Unicode symbols when create the new instance of native library;
* Fixed SMP Unity Editor uncomfortable scrollbars.