The Legacy Post Processing Stack has been deprecated for new projects. If using Unity SDK 5.6 through 2017.2, please find version 2.0 of the post-processing stack on Github.
If using Unity SDK 2017.3+, version 2.0 of the post-processing stack is available via Package Manager.
You can find the documentation for the post-processing stack 2.0 in the manual.
The Legacy post-processing stack is an über effect that combines a complete set of image effects into a single post-process pipeline. This has a few advantages :
- Effects are always configured in the correct order.
- It allows combination of many effects into a single pass.
- It features an asset-based configuration system for easy preset management.
- All effects are grouped together in the UI for a better user experience
It comes with the following effects :
- Antialiasing (FXAA, Temporal AA)
- Ambient Occlusion
- Screen Space Reflections
- Fog
- Depth of Field
- Motion Blur
- Eye Adaptation
- Bloom
- Color Grading
- User Lut
- Chromatic Aberration
- Grain
- Vignette
- Dithering
The stack also includes a collection of monitors and debug views to help you set up your effects correctly and debug problems in the output.
Please discuss this and other image effects in the forum.